There were 3 cards, one for the new apartment, one for the arrival of Baby Ashley and one for big brother Dino! There is also a blanket and TY Bear for Ashley and a gift for me! Augie and Ti are so sweet and thoughtful!

They got me a monkey! I could hardly contain my excitement!

I love love love it!!!

And here is Ashley lying on the softest and fluffiest blankie and posing with her first TY Bear.
Big thank you to Augie, Ti and their Mommy for this wonderful present!
All such wonderful presents! Everyone looks so happy :)
Elizabeth & Luna
Hi, Dino!
Augie and Ti sent you and Ashley beautiful presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs
We think your blog is cool and are so happy to meet you. Honey sent us over to make friends. Our momma is so furry happy to have come to see you because she is smiling lots because she loves to look at babies and she says that you have one of the PURRtiest she's seen in a long, long time☺
Wow, Dino - you've been getting so many presents lately - you lucky pup!!
I'm sorry I haven't visited for so long - I got so behind in visiting my friends and then it's really hard to catch up!!
Also - I wanted to say a special thank you to you because it was just the 1yr anniversary of my blog and if it wasn't for you and your wonderful blog which so impressed and inspired my human, I wouldn't even be here or have made so many friends (and my human, Hsin-Yi, would have nothing to occupy her in the evenings - hee! hee!) - so thank you, thank you, thank you!
Honey the Great Dane
Woof! Hi there ... So cute photos. Lovely presents. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Awww...so nice of Augie and Ti to give you presents!
What beautiful and thoughtful prezzies you two have! I can't wait to see them....I am comig soon with more prezzies for you and Ashley!
ohhhhhhh dino... you both look super cute!
and your monkey... your so lucky!
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