Mum had a really bad day today. On her way to the supermarket, she saw a puppy who looks like a retriever loitering around the garbage collection center. She thought the puppy probably belongs to someone so she continued her grocery shopping. On her way back home, she saw the puppy again and told herself, it must be someone's puppy, it looks so sweet. She walked on and turned back to look at the puppy, sighed and asked herself, why is it roaming around the garbage?
When she entered the lift, she saw three dog owner aunties and they asked her if she saw the puppy outside? Mum said yes and asked if it belongs to someone? The aunties told her that the owner has thrown him away and the aunties pitied him and got him a sausage which he ate.
Mum was upset and didn't know what to do so she called her friend, Johnny and told him about the poor little puppy. Johnny immediately said he wanted to take a look, so mum met him downstairs.
The people at the garbage center told mum that the poor puppy was put into a carton box and thrown into the rubbish bin. Who could possibly do this to a small puppy? :( The guy at the garbage center even bought a bag of dog food for him and let him stay there. He said the puppy has diarrhea, so Johnny and Mum brought it to the vet.
The vet took his temperature, said it's a little high, but nothing to worry about. Next, she did the test for parvo virus, it came out negative and both Johnny and Mum were relieved! Lastly, she did the test for the distemper virus and unfortunately it turned out positive, Johnny and Mum were both dumbfounded! How could that be? He looks perfectly fine. What can they do now? Vet said the puppy is a baby labrador and is about 7 weeks old and suggested that they put him to sleep. Mum started to cry, her heart went out to the little one whom she named QQ, after Quill, the labrador guide dog in the famous Japanese movie.
Vet told them to discuss about it, face reality and not to let their emotions override their decisions, both of them already have their own dogs and are not able to take in another one, they pondered for a while about the future of this fragile little soul. Mum decided to call Dad, Dad is worried about the virus spreading to me and told mum to take extra precaution. Dad said he would bring him home with us if not for the fact that we are relocating. Mum cried her eyes out when she told Dad about the fate of QQ.
Mum dried her tears and asked vet about the treatment cost and Johnny and Mum decided to seek treatment for him. Putting him to sleep is not an option even if it costs next to nothing, they decided to give him medical attention and hope for the best. Vet said there will be a 50% chance of survival, if he responds to treatment for three days then chances will be good.
Vet started the drip on QQ and gave him some injections. QQ continued to have diarrhea and even vomited. He spent the night at Johnny's friend, Olive's house. Hope he recovers soon. If you are reading this, please say a little prayer for him. Get well soon, little QQ.