Enclosed was a sweet note from Little Kimba and also an explanation about Emilia the rag doll.

Emilia is as big as Ashley.

Here is a bit about Emilia:
"This is Emilia. She is a very famous rag doll from a collection of books for children. This collection is called "Sitio do Picapau Amarelo" and is written by Monteiro Lobato. Emilia is rag doll who moves and thinks like a smart, daring and irreverent human being. When you talk about a Brazilian rag doll, you're talking about Emilia."
Me and My Smiley.
Thank you so much Kimba and Family for your special gifts! We love them!!!
What a nice post! You made the little presents look more beautiful. ^^ Thank You!
Love, Kimba & family.
Lovely presents! :)
Rufus and Indie
Hi, Dino!
Emilia is beautiful! It is nice to know her story!
Enjoy your smiley too!
Kisses and hugs
Wah Dino, you and Ashley are so blessed! Emilia is so beautiful, and your smiley toy made me smile. :)
ohh Dino! I used to whatch that show here in Portugal!
your soo lucky
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