Saturday, October 31, 2009

Great pics from Auntie Tong Tong

Auntie Tong Tong brought along her camera when she visited us with her family and took some very nice pics of Ashley and I. She took more than a hundred pics of us and it was so hard to decide on a favorite. I would love to post all the photos here, but you all will get an overdose, so here are a few to share:

After spending some time with us, Dad brought them to have dinner at a place called Da Lao Er ( 大老二快炒). Food was really good and everyone enjoyed the dinner.

Address: 台北縣淡水鎮淡金路三段2號
Telephone: 02 8631 7272

Have a safe and happy Halloween everyone!!!


How Sam Sees It said...

The pictures are wonderful and the food looks delicious! As always, it looks like you are all having fun - we wish you a very Happy Halloween!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Dino!
Thanks for sharing those pictures!
They are pawesome!
Kisses and hugs

Unknown said...

Those are gorgeous pictures! And my human was drooling over the pictures of the food especially the plate of green vegetables -- she thinks they look like pea sprouts ("do-miow") - is that right? They are her favourite vegetables! :-)