Monday, April 25, 2016

Goodbye, My Family and Friends

I am sorry I have to cross over to the Rainbow Bridge today at 10pm. I had a bloated stomach and had difficulty breathing. Daddy and Mummy rushed me to the 24-hr vet and I had an X-ray taken. The vet confirmed that it was not bloat and she suspected that I have something lodged in my esophagus instead based on the X-ray scan. While the vet was explaining to Daddy and Mummy about my condition. I started to cough and breathe abnormally. Then, she noticed that my gums and tongue had turned purple and within seconds, I passed out. The vet tried to resuscitate me, but to no avail. 

Here is a photo of me before I went in for the X-ray.

Till we meet again, my friends! Thank you for all your love and sharing My Golden Journey during the last 10 years!



LJ said...

Oh no! This is such sad news! I loved that boy :( Thank you for sharing him with the world, Julia. Hugs to you and your family!

Heather Robinson said...

I am so very sorry to hear this news. Dino was so loved by the entire family and many friends all over the world. I am sending much love and strength to you during this sad time.

Dino, please run free now that you are on the other side of the bridge, thank you for all of the joy that you brought us!

Kimba said...

I am so so sorry!!! Dino was one of the inspirations for me to get Kimba. I loved watching that video MISSION IMPOSSIBLE over and over again. We'll miss you, Dino!. Much Love and Strenght to the family.

4 zampe in azione said...

Omg....I'm in shock!!! Can't believe our first international blogger friend is at the Rainbow have been our hero for many years....
Life is so my Angel Paco you left your family in a blink of an eye...suddenly..why???
What's happened...??? What the vet said???
I know Paco is taking care of you at the Rainbow...
I can feel the pain of your parents....of your strong dear words can help you going through this..
Dino will have a special place in our hearts forever!!
Run free sweet boy!!!
Love love you❤❤❤

4 zampe in azione said...
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How Sam Sees It said...

Hugs and love, my friends. You were one of the first pups we met when we started blogging. Love you forever, sweet Dino.

Monty and Harlow

nora said...

Condolences to u Julia ...I know it's hard and it's like so soon..he's such a wonderful Dino. .take care babe. RIP Dino..

nora said...
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Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no! We are so sad to read how suddenly your family had to say good-bye. You were so loved! We enjoyed your blog. A warm hug, purrs and paw taps of comfort.

My Mind's Eye said...

Dear Dino's family. We were so sorry to read about your sudden illness and untimely passing. We know you are all very sad and will miss your handsome boy. He sure had a pretty smile.
Mom and I have posted about his passing on the POTP may click below to get to it.
Hugs Madi and Mom

Murphy said...

Although we did not know you we share in the sadness. POTP to your family!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

Robin + Christmas said...

I just heard of you, but I definitely feel for you. Losing a pet is pets are really humans inside.

Fozziemum said...

Oh no...we never met Dino and heard of his quickly and so sad...we lost our 12 year old lab x on Wednesday..we knew it was to were in that sense very blessed..i know our boy Forrest will be waiting with a goofy smile and love..gentle hugs to you all..we so know your Fozziemum xxxx

LBJ said...

We heard about this through friends and are so sorry to hear of Dino's passing. He will be waiting for you with that big smile on his face, one day.
May the memories offer you some comfort.

The Johnson's in Chicago - paw-rents to Abby the Senior Rescue Lab

Idaho PugRanch said...

We were so sorry to hear of Dino's sudden passing. We know your hearts must be broken. Sending you pug prayers
Mr Bailey Hazel & Mabel

Noodle4President said...

We are so sorry for this unexpected loss. Sending prayers of comfort to all of you. *ear licks* Noodle and family

Duke said...

Our hearts break for you. Losing a treasured family member is so hard. Godspeed, Dino♥

Love ya lots♥

Lovable Lily said...

Run free at the Bridge Dino. We are so very sorry to hear you have crossed into your next Journey. Our hearts break for your family. May they take comfort when they are able to remember all the good times with you.

Lily Belle & Muffin

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry of your loss. Unfortunately we haven't met Dino before, but we know that you are heartbroken and we want to bring Soft Pawkisses to comfort you <3 <3 <3

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

We are sorry to meet under such circumstances. We are sending you wishes for peace and comfort at this difficult time. Hugs.

Marty the Manx said...

We read about the loss of your beloved Dino on the POTP page and wanted to come by and tell you how very sorry we are for you all. We are sending soft purrs, gentle woofs and a hug from Mom.
Marty and the Gang

Dino and Family said...

Dear Friends,

Thank you so much for taking time to send words of comfort to my family. It really means so much to them! I am very thankful for your friendship.

Lots of Love always,
Dino @ the Rainbow Bridge

TimberLove said...

We came to paw respect, soft woooos,

Nuk & Family

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I just learned the sad news, no Dino no. What a shock! I still have Dino and Ashley's Christmas picture that you sent to me every year. I still post it on my refrigerator door. Our hearts are saddened tonight, rest in peace Dino, you're loved and forever in our hearts.
Mango, Chubbs, and parents

Mark Taylor said...

A nutritious diet, annual veterinary checkups, and updated vaccinations ought to maintain your cat in good well being.
Vet bundaberg