Grandaunt Teresa, Lil' Pups Bernie (my girlfriend!) and Grandma!!! The last time Grandaunt Teresa and Bernie visited was when I was still living in Shanghai. I was so happy to see them again!

One of the best things about having visitors is the presents they bring! Look at all the treats from Bernie!

I have not had these mini bones for ages!

Yummy heart-shaped biscuits!

A poster from Grandaunt Teresa and family.

These are some great words of wisdom from a dog!

Can you tell that I am really happy?

An awesome pic with my girlfriend, Bernie!

Aunty Sherrine came too!

She brought me a cute doggy figurine.
Thank you all so much for your wonderful presents! I missed you all already! Please visit again soon!
The best part is always the gift right D ! haha !!!! :)
Oh, what fun to have visitors you love. And they brought treats for you, so it was doubly special.
And yes, you do look happy.
What a great time you're having! And you look so great :) Big hugs to you
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...what a great day you had dear Dino!!!!!!!!!!
And what a beautiful girlfriend you have!!!!!!!
Woowoowoooo...sure you're a gorgeous heartbreaker!!!!!!!!!
you look soooooo happy with your parents.....and we agree with you...it's double special time...they brought lots of yummy treats for you!!!!!!!!!!
Lucky boy!!!!!!!
we missed you a lot!!!!!!!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!!!!!!!
Nuffin beats a nice visit wif the ones you love... well, unless it's the presents they bring!
Love the photos! You look happy!!!
wif love from the Luke
Hi, Dino!
I am sure you were very happy having them at home with you!
Enjoy your presents!
Kisses and hugs
Oh Dino,
I'm so sorry that I haven't been around much to leave you a few nice words for each post but I did read them all.
I recognize your kind grandma right away, good to see her again, please give everybody wet licks for me!
Sam spent the weekend at his Grandma's house - how lucky you are to have guests visit you! What wonderful presents you received! Have fun playing with them!
Guests, lovely guests and gifts! WOW! :) That's even better than digging big holes in the beach sand.
I missed you, Dino!
Post again soon!
Wow, Dino! So many visitors, and so many presents! You are so lucky!
Gus and Waldo
w00fs Dino, having visitors iz fun, esp when they bring cool pressies..
b safe,
I can see you got really spoilt, Dino!! Gosh, so many presents and cuddles, you lucky pup!!
Honey the Great Dane
Hi Dino
It was nice to meet your family. They look happy to see you too.
Love Ruby & Penny
Pawsome presents Dino! It's great to see all the family together! :)
Rufus and Indie
We hope you'll have a wonderful time with the whole family.
Man, you've got lots of presents!
Hi Dino!
What a nice visitors you had. You sure had a great time. You look all so happy!
And you got so many cool pressies!
Thor xxx
Hi Dino! It was fun to see you having such a nice time with your relatives. That definitely is an awesome pic with you and Bernie!
See ya!
Joey and Zeke
What a nice visit you had and what great presents you got! You human girlfriend is very beautiful - you are a lucky dawg!
Dino! I missed you!
I have a new blog now; please come meet my new brother! If you would like to link to me, can you please list me as "Sunshine and Mud Puddles"? Thanks!
Hi Dino, I know that you are really very happy with so many visitors...... Enjoy :)
Hi Dino! I love visitors! But mine don't come bearing gifts! I will have to have mom send them a pee-mail advising that gifts are now required!
Luna and Sole'
They look like great people & your GF is pretty!
Solid Gold "Actress"
Wow- it sounds like you had a wonderful visit! What great fun it is to have company come, especailly when they bring presents and treats! You are one lucky dog Dino!
Wags and kisses,
Benson and Gibson
Happy Father's Day to Dino's great dad.
Love ya lots
We want to thank you for your friendship and your honest words. we love the videos they are pretty funny and they made with love. I will love to qualify them with ( 5 stars ) and people should be watch them. We are far but you guys know we will be in touch.
lol Jacko & Ale
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