Friday, March 6, 2009

Someone has been hogging the computer...

If you all have been wondering why I have not been posting about my adventures or visiting your blogs, please don't blame me, blame it on Mom!

She has just started a blog shop with Aunty Beh and she has been spending way too much time on it. Grrrr!!! It's called Spree is Fun It is an online store specializing in shopping sprees from Taiwan to Singapore.

Right now, there is an ongoing spree on Photo Dog Tags.

Don't they just look adorable? I am sure you can't wait to get your paws on one!

So all you doggies in Singapore, ask your parents to get one for you! I will be sure to let you all know if there are any other exciting doggy stuff coming up.

I have to get Mom out of the house before she hogs more! Meanwhile, have a fabulous weekend!


Pipa said...

Wonderful blog!

Gosh, here in portugal there's almost nothing at all... to have a Furmitanor or a lvely bowl I have to order it in the Internet!

U girls should ship internationally!



Angel Tucker, Daisy and Leo said...

Hey Dino

The tags are really cute, but tell your Mom we miss you and you need equal time on the computer.

Tucker and Daisy

Anonymous said...

Hi Dino! What a cute doggie model your mom and aunt have! I hope you get more time on the computer soon.

See ya!

Thoughts said...

those are some super cute dog tags!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Dino!
Like Pipa. Here we can't find things for dogs! Hmmmm....
Your mom's site is pawesome!
The tags are beautiful!
Have a great weekend
Kisses and hugs

Amber-Mae said...

I visited your Mom's blog a few times. The things in China look really interesting! My Mommy said, once she makes enough money with her new job she might order one of those stuff in her blog.

Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ruby and Penny said...

Congratulations to your mom Dino.
Love Ruby & Penny

Pedro said...

Those are some cool dawg tags! Good luck to your mom on her new business!


Anonymous said...

Hi Dino,

I've missed you! But I can see why your human has been hogging the computer - that looks like an awesome site! I must tell my humans to check it out...

Hope you get more time on the computer now!

Honey the Great Dane

Lois Lane/Laney said...

Those tags look really cool!

Rufus and Indie said...

Hello! I agree with Pipa you should do international shipping! Here in Portugal we don't have funny and cool stuff for our best friends! Good luck!

Rufus and Indie said...
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Emma said...

That is a great site! I can't blame your mom for being addicted to it Dino. It's a girls' stuff. But pleaseeeeeee Julia try to update us a bit more often on Dino. (Look who's speaking, mom hasn't updated my blog for a long time hehe)

Lots of love and furry hugs

PS Dino, we need our own PCs