This month, we say goodbye to another friend,
Spencer, a very special guy who brought a lot of love and happiness to many people. Please visit his blog to read about him and send your thoughts and prayers to his wonderful family.

March 1, 1998 - February 17, 2009

Goodbye Spencer, you will always be missed.
Hi Dino. I'll miss Spencer, too. I'll never forget him.
Your pal,
Heya Dino. Its such sad news to hear of a friend leaving us.
We said good-bye the other day. It was so sad. We wish we'd had time to get to know him better, but we enjoyed reading his blog, even if for a short time.
Hi, Dino.
We're so sad, around here. There was something so special about Spencie. Our thoughts ar with him and his lovely family.
Hi Dino,
This is a sweet tribute to Spencer. I am sorry I did not get to know him before he left. Sending puggy hugs and kisses to you.
Love Clover xo
I'm missing him alot already... Wish he didn't go so soon. It's just so sad...
Butt sniffs,
Solid Gold Dancer
I went to his blog to say good bye, I wish I had known him before.
Dino, I love you.
OHHHHH Dino....
This is a sweet tribute to Spencer.....
he was a great dog and wonderful friend for all of us!!!
we'll miss him a lot...and we'll never forget him!!!
Dino...we love you sooooo much!!!!!
OHHHHH Dino....
This is a sweet tribute to Spencer.....
he was a great dog and wonderful friend for all of us!!!
we'll miss him a lot...and we'll never forget him!!!
Dino...we love you sooooo much!!!!!
Woof! Dino
My family and I were very sad to hear about Spencer.
We were just getting to know him. He will be missed.
Hope you are doing well Dino. Woof! Sugar
Hey Dino,
Spencer is a much loved dog. He was a good blog buddy and we will all miss him very much. He was a Golden's Golden.
- Homer J., Jubal, J.E.B., Sophie, Shelby Belle, Jack, Abby, Max, Shiloh, Alex, Boru and Jenny = The Bumpass Hounds
Hi, Dino.
I am so sad. I miss him a lot.
Kisses and hugs
Oh! Spencer looked like such a nice dawg! I can't believe he could fit 3 tennis balls in his mouth. That's amazing. I can barely hold one for more than a few seconds. I hope he's happily playing fetch at the Bridge.
goodbye Spencer. you will be missed greatly. you've touched many hearts
Hi, Dino.
spence looks so cute. love him.
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