Please help.

2 corgis were poisoned and one did not survive. Now one of them is awaiting blood donors. The source of the poison has not been identified at the moment.
1.成犬大型狗 有按時吃心絲蟲預防藥以及打預防針的狗狗都符合
2.抽血後須等待驗血時間約一小時 可接受者
3.狗狗個性較穩定 好方便獸醫抽血(因我們也不捨個性緊張的狗狗在抽血時掙扎)
貝果拔電話 0939-638119
台大動物醫院地址 台北市大安區基隆路三段153號
You can also find out more about it at the Corgi's blog:
Ohh boy, we sure are hoping that little Corgi will survive. Sorry we can't help, we wish we could!!
I wish I was there, I would have donated mine, so sorry to hear about the corgisĂ
how i wish we four can donate our blood , but we can't help ! Wish the little corgi will survive through this obstacle !
xoxo ,
Oh how sad. I wish I could donate.
Keep us updated.
Love Ruby
Oh My DOG!!!!
we sure are hoping that little Corgi will survive. Sorry we can't help, we wish we could!!
If we was lived nearly our blood would have been for corgy!!!Sorryyyy!!!!!!
Keep us updated!!!
I hope the Corgi survives, I'd gladly donate my blood. Unfortunately I am very far away. I will keep him in my thoughts, and pray he gets well.
I would love to help too if I was in Taiwan...I probably have enough blood for SIX Corgis!
Honey the Great Dane
Oh no, I am sorry to hear about the Corgi's. I hope there will be more doggie donors!
Thanks for visiting again. Please come visit me and my sisters and doggie brother at my other blog too:
Hi, Dino!
I hope the Corgi gets all the help needed!
I am so sorry I am so far away!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hi!Though I cannot help it, I can only pray.
I would love to help, dear Dino... I'm so sorry I don't live in Taiwan. Is there anyway that we can donate the blood and send it over to you? There must be a secure way to do that! I'm sure that airlines companies can do it, by well conditioning the blood! Please tell me if I have time to go to a vet and sen it over! If all of you guys know a way, please tell us!
This is so terrible! We wish we could help but we live far away!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
We read at Dino's that the second Corgi didn't survive either. That is so sad.
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