When we arrived at Mr. Baoz, there was an outdoor seating area and Mom ordered a Viennese Cheese Baoz and a cappuccino. Shortly, we were joined by Mimi, a 3 year old yellow lab. He has the cutest face and we sat there for a while getting to know each other.
Before we leave, mom ordered a box of buns to bring home. These are the best looking buns I have ever seen! Mom gave me a little to sample and it got my paws of approval!
It started to drizzle when we were heading home, so we dropped by a pet store to pick up a raincoat for me. It has been raining everyday for the last one month, so this is going to come in useful.
Our afternoon outing took about 3 hours and we were exhausted when we reached home, but it was good to be out and about for a little sunshine.
Those are the cutest looking bus I've ever seen too! I bet they just as good as they look...Hey, that raincoat is nice! My hoomans has bee looking for a raincoat that comes along with a pants too & most importantly, our bottom part of our body is protected. Many raincoats here just protect the top which is useless coz it's the bottom that gets very wet. So anyway, my hoomans have no choice but to buy hooman shirts & pants to make us wear to protect us from the wet.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
glad you guys had fun! So sad didn't get to meet up with you after CNY....
send my hugs to dino! those bao look yummy! doughnuts are big in Singapore now....the q is almost as long as toto queue!
lil' pups...
Heya! A bunch of us bloggie doggies meet in DWB Chat every Sunday for some barkin fun. 9 a.m. EST (New York) Time - 10 p.m. Singapore time. Peemail me for the secret chat address if you wanna come to our weekly barkfest - wiredfoxterror@yahoo.com
Bussie Kissies
pee ess - Since stupid daylight savings time some of us have started coming in at 8 a.m. EST/9 p.m. Singapore time.
Hi Amber, thanks for your comment again! I bet you look super cute in your shirt and pants! I would love to see a photo of you in them.
Love, Dino
Hi lil' pups, I miss you and I hope to see you in Taipei soon! I will get you some of those lovely buns when you are here!
Muah! Love, Dino
Hi Dino,
Those buns look YUMMY! My mom was drewling with us, when she saw them.
Your rain gear looks great! We don't get much rain here in NM, when we do, mom makes us stay inside. Something to do with the "wet dog" smell. Wedon't know what that means, but it doesn't sound good.
Cookie and crew
Hi Cookie, So happy to hear from you again! Please ask your mom to give you a nice cookie today. Hugs!!!! Dino
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